... I have a few...
- When people poke me I MUST poke them back
- When people 'poof' my hair
- When my staticky hair gets all in my face!
- Sitting down and then having to get up a second later
- When people ask how alergic I am to cats while stuffing a cat in my face
- People holding my comic pages 'the wrong way'
- Dog earing books!!!!!!!
- Waking me up during a particularly nice dream
- When I'm reading a fanfiction or comic and the artist just suddenly stops (GOTH *** IT!!!)
- Being a hypocrite (yup yup,. I am)
- People picking me up
- Cold feet
- When you go into a store and the keepers think you're going to steal something because of your age/ who you hang out with/ how you dress
- When people exagerate how much sugar I put into my tea (IT'S SIX TINY SPOONS NOT EIGHT BLOODY FREAKING TABLE SPOONS!!!!!!!!)
- When my sister gets pen stains or markings on my tablet
- When people touch my computer settings
- When people 'clean' my room
- When people taking my pens and pencils
- When people answer for me (well, there are some exceptions, but only for people I'm really in love with)
- When someone doesn't change the milkbag after they finish it off
- When people start singing to songs they like, but only certain parts and just to rub it in your face
- When people SAY the lyrics of a song instead of sing it
- When you can't remember the lyrics, only the beat
- When people can't take a hint and knock it off!!!