apollo doned her helmet as a group of 20 soldiers came through the trees, she made her voice loud and shouted "20 on the north wall, north soldiers fire at will, all others stay at your posts" she yelled out as a few men moved but quickly ran back to there posts, she aimed her laser and shot at a group of soldiers, as she shot a scout shouted "{at the rear at the rear 15" he shouted. apollo turned the amplifyer up and shouted "south wall fire at will". the 20 soldiers at the front had been reduced to 18 "duo's squad open the door in 2 feet then charge the ppl that can get in go" she yelled and jumped down and swong a fist at a solider, "scouts in the forest help" she yelled as she struck home "duo's squad push them back and engage them out here" she said as she jumped tward the woods and landed and rolled