Alright.. I thought that I might as well join as a few furries recommended this forum as a social outlet were we all can get together this is were you've all been hiding hm? ;3 :snicker:
The name is Heather also known as Heathy I'm 18 years of age and I'm pretty sure most of you have seen me around wandering through a variation of public rooms yes..I do tend to wander.
My main fursona or fur is a white wolf but it varies on my mood, I'm a serious roleplayer and i'm not very fond of chatspeak..
I'm one of suki's own dancers in Furlicious Desires as most of you should know and I'm also a developer although I can be lazy with publishing them at times.. overall I'm a bubbly person but slightly emotional and stuborn then again we all have simular qualities xD
So yeah..I'l enjoy meeting you all