Well, in my observations of the last few days, I'm finding that after coming here and creating my own fursona, it's actually changing the way I look at life.
First and most prominent, it changes my views on the fandom as a group, in the way that a lot of us are just innocents with what might not be socially acceptable tastes in art literature, or lifestyle, and I think the furry fandom really is a form of artistic or social deviance.
Second, I notice a lot more different references and words, almost as if a key was turned and I'm picking up on more furry-related terms that pop up in real life, or noticing animal-related words in phrases and such. It's unusual.
And third, I find myself actually being proud of my choice of fur. I suppose this is the onset of nothing short than what is called 'furry pride'. It's a relief that reassures me that what I'm doing isn't wrong.