Lol wellll there are several type of people we should prevent of chating with. Heres my list.
Fangirls and boys (People falling in love with you on the first telegram
Hate peoples like racists, homophobes etc
And Red-haired persons!!! They always sneak everywhere!
Update the list if you have other ideas!
:sad: i tend to be homophobic, but that doesnt meen i cant have gay friends (which i do) or that i don't support your cause (which i do). it's just the *caugh* deeper stuff that makes me freak out

just so it's been said, my granduncle is gay, and we still have a great time when he visits us.
i think the definition should be: not neccesarily a hater of homosexual relationtionships, mostly just that the thought of it sounds odd, and that the defined (?) person could never bring himself to even thinking of behaving in the specific manner.
this doesn't make me a bad person, and i'm still open for friendship.
btw, transgenders only make me lift an eyebrow, simply since it seems odd to me. i can still talk to or befriend one (haven't yet tho). :!: