After walking for some hours, Foxx and Henry saw some Shadows ahead of them.
"*sigh* Come on, Foxx. Let's do this...", said Henry, looking at the hesitating fox.
"Are... are you sure?", Foxx asked.
"..., you're still worried about that dream, aren't you?", I'm bit worried too, but...
Foxx was looking at the floor
I don't want to fight alone... I know I'm not the only one but..., he thought. "Ok, let's go.", he said, his sword firmly gripped in his paw.
"Ok then, let's go."
They looked at the Shadows. There were almost 30 of them.
Each fox got 12 or 13 Shadows. After a while Foxx, almost every Shadow was gone, and only Henry was fighting. Foxx hurried to help him, and defeated the last 4 Shadows.
"Nice job, Foxx. You did really well.", Henry said, smiling.
"Thanks. But I think something is wrong...", Foxx replied. There was something wrong, but he didn't know what it could be. He turned around, looking at the trees behind him.
"What", Henry started, "could be *nngh*"
"Master!", Foxx turned around to face Henry. He had some kind of black sword through his body and pointing at the sky.
Foxx growled loudly, ran behind Henry and sliced the Shadow, that disappeared along with the black sword. He hurried to grab Henry before he fell on the ground.
"It looks like... that wasn't just a dream... right Foxx?", he said with a weak smile.
"Don't... don't go...please...", Foxx begged, with tears starting to run down his face.
"It can't be... helped... Foxx. That sword made some... pretty nasty stuff in me... I don't think I can... hang on much longer..."
"Master... hang on... I'll take care of you...", Foxx started.
"No... this wound is too much for you...", Henry said, his voice getting weaker.
"No... if I try I bet I can..."
"You were always stubborn, Foxx. I already told you... you can't heal this wound."
"Don't cry Foxx...", Henry asked.
"I can't...", Foxx mumbled
"*cough* I have one last thing to ask you..."
"What is it?"
"You have to find the ship of the Light Warriors..."
"A ship? But I can't fly a ship! I'm just 15 years old!", Foxx complained.
"Heh... I know... But if you find the ship, you might be saved by other Shadow fighters...", Henry explained.
"Oh... Ok then."
"Well...", Henry continued, "... I think this is goodbye, Foxx"
"No...", Foxx said.
"You have to help defeat the Shadows... I know you can do it...", Henry said closing his eyes and passing away.
"No... don't leave...", Foxx said again, but he got no answer.
"Why... WHY??", Foxx yelled and then started to cry over Henry's body.