As the three companions sleep upon the large matress, a breaking sound appeared downstairs, waking the three. Foxx and Comet see Furaha hopping up and down screaming and frowning, "No! No, no, no! Go away Kibuhuti! There's enough sadness in this stupid place as it is!"
There in the doorway, a small, dully gray Fox with mournful eyes and a sad, sarcastic smile and dark velvet robes strolled in casually. "But sadness is so common, nowadays, Furaha. Surely it must be more important? You want to taste some sadness for yourself?"
Furaha chittered his teeth together and shook. They dark Fox in the doorway pointed at him and as Foxx and Comet looked, he began crying and fell to the floor on his knees, begging for her to go away. She glared at him and he crawled against the wall, with tears in his eye and his fur spread down. She frowned at the two friends of his, and snapped her fingers, breaking the Dizzaster in half. The rain fell in a huge splash, covering them all with cold water. She shook her head, "Imbeciles," and disappeared out the doorway.
After she left, Furaha took upon an expressionless face and spoke quietly and slowly, "That was Kibuhuti... Sadness. She's gotten strong if you guys weren't able to do anything when she came in. Not surprising, really. It's just good she can't kill without Ukomo's... err, Death's permission. Sigh... give me a moment, friends," he mumbled and shuffled over to the Dizzaster... which was an ironical disaster. With a clap of his hands, it came back together and with a whistle, it pointed upwards, forcing back the rain again. He glanced sideways at them and tried a futile smile, then sagged down in the corner of the upstairs room... with his head to the floor. "Sadness," he said once, then sobbed.