Like Link4009, I, too, was isolated from the world (I was in foster care when I was about 6-7 years old). I took an interest in foxes and started to draw them. Eventually... I started acting like a cat (Thanks to isolation...). When I was in 3rd grade, and had no friends, I never stop drawing foxes, wolves, and cat humanoids.
From the years in grammar school to the agony of surviving in middle school, I still had no friends (even if I had any friends, they'd all left to move in another state or betray me)... but I never stopped drawing animals.
In my first year in high school, I became very popular because of my art. One girl asked me, "Hey, are you drawing furries?" Not knowing what the heck that was, I asked her what it was. The girl told me what it was and I was shocked. The whole time that I kinda acted like a cat... I never knew I was a furry.
Today, as a senior, I'm viewed as the punk-rock furry (and a really cool furry I may add!
). I now act like a fox... not saying I literally act like one, just that I now have a sly personality. >333