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Author Topic: Friend or Foe  (Read 2558 times)

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Friend or Foe
« on: January 26, 2009, 12:34:33 AM »
  Wind blew across the grass and along the driveway, kicking up dust from the dirt road. Bats fluttered through the midnight sky, its star filled ambiance giving prelude to worlds beyond. Crickets sang a tune of sorrow, the day was over and another would begin, just as it had since the birth of the planet. Sharp lights tore through the black as a car pulled into the drive, pulling to a stop just behind the house which just a moment earlier didn't exist in the darkness of the country night. The lights flickered out and the door flung open revealing a hooded figure in a red hoodie adorned with flames. Slowly he trudged up the wooden stairs to the door and slipped in the key.
   "What a long day." he said as if he had already fallen asleep in the doorway. "I swear this never gets any easier" he added just in case the walls were listening to his plight. It had been a long day at work and all he wanted was to get to his bed and let the world melt away into the bitter fantasy of dreams, dreams that always tortured him with the realization of reality when he woke up to find that they were an illusion. Flinging his hoodie to the floor he flopped into his leather office chair and spun around to face his computer as if it were instinct. "What does my furry friends hold in store for me today?" he asked out loud as he clicked his way to the furry forums. It was the same bit of randomness he was used to seeing everyday, but as a moderator he was compelled to read it all anyways. He always favored the roleplay and literature sections where one might jump into the character of their various fursonas and escape the tedium of the real world. "Wouldn't it be so great." he thought as he read up the last bit of the roleplays and stood up to turn to his bed.
   As he tore off his top prepared to slip into bed the room went black and a horrible deafening screech filled the air. "Aagghh!" he yelled in pain as he clutched his ears in attempt to drown out the sound assaulting him. The bay window in his room blew out things began to swirl about. He felt himself being pulled towards a mystical force, gritting his teeth he clung on to his desk in the desperate hope that he would survive. What he was trying to survive he didn't know, and panic ensued in the realization that the force pulling him was only getting stronger. His fingers began to slip from the slick wooden finish of his computer desk, itself sliding towards the portal opened up behind him. "Heeelp!" he shouts as he lost his grip and flew into the portal. Inside he was assaulted by bright swirling colors as he felt his own flesh burn and begin to peel off his bones. His bones broke and contorted in the most painful of ways and he spun and flew through nothingness, his heart racing and then suddenly stopping. Everything went black.
   What seemed like an eternity passed, images that clearly were not his own flashed in his mind blurred beyond recognition. Slits of light appeared, beyond which only seemed like a blurred mess. The slits of light became larger and before he know it he realized it was his own eyes opening, blinking and struggling to adjust. The darkness seemed like it had been forever, the light hurt as if he had opened them for the first time in his life. "What... what is going on?" he managed, but paniced a bit when he noticed the voice was not his own. Grunting he flailed about, his eyes still not having adjusted. "Help! What is happening" this strange voice of his called out, following his own thoughts. As suddenly as they opened his vision began to clear, the sharpness of his vision surprised him it seemed inhuman. Looking about he saw a room, like something out of a mid ages movie. The room was encompassed in a greyish wooden finish, more likely from the test of time then actual design choice. In the corner stood a flimsy and smudged mirror and save for the bed with green covers he was in the rest was completely bare. He threw the sheets off and fell out of the bed in panic. His human body was no longer there, instead replaced by that of some sort of reptilian beast. "What has happened to me?!" he yelled again. He struggled to his feet which were now adorned with deadly talons, a large one as a inner toe and made his way to the mirror.
   What stood before him was nothing less then breath taking but there could be no denial of what he was. "I'm... I'm Tezztor!" he said with crazed realization, his raptor maw open to reveal rows of deadly and sharp teeth. Something was different about him though, thought physically he was spot on his garments were ragged and torn as if he had lived on the street or in the wild. He stared into the mirror for an hour straight, and slowly his mind settled. There was a peace to be found in actually being Tezztor, it surprised even him how calm it made him. "Where am I? Why am I here?" he asked himself, half expecting an answer. The sound of his voice was snake-like, baring a heavy accent of hiss due to the pointed shape of his teeth. It was almost pleasing to him now, he reveled in it as he spoke each word. He turned around sharply, enjoying the feel of his thick tail swishing behind him. "I could get used to this!" he said with joy. One thought that escaped him was why he still had his memories, if he was Tezztor surely he should have the raptor's memories instead of his own. "Maybe it will come with time." he thought as he made his way to the door.
   Suddenly the door crashed open and a light blue iguana burst in and looked about as if in a panic. She wore a fine garment of silk colored black with a golden trim, it heavily accented her fine curved figure. "Is everything alright? I heard screaming." she asked him through genuinely concerned, neon green eyes. Tezztor stared with disbelief, his jaw stuttering but no words not finding their way out. It was Zika, one of his very own characters.
    "What is going on?" he asked not knowing what to think. If he was Tezztor then why was another of his characters here, it kept clouding his mind.
    She raised a brow to him, "You were yelling that's all I know that is going on. Are you alright?" she asked more sharply this time, her eyes wandering looking him over to make sure he wasn't injured.
   "To be honest I don't know, I seem to be stricken with a sort of amnesia." he offered as a lie. The last thing he wanted was people to think he was crazy and while he might of been given his circumstances he would just have to go with the flow. He continued to look at her, his eyes tracing her figure more out of curiosity then of any desire. She was real and standing right in front of him, in this reality she was extremely beautiful his art didn't seem to do her the right justice. "Maybe some fresh air would do me some good. Tell me about this place and yourself, maybe it will jog my memory." he said as clearly as possible, making sure she never got the idea he could possibly be drunk. He held back a smile as he was convinced he was brilliant. "What a smooth way to find out information" he thought.
   She smiled, taking his wandering eyes as a come on and took his claw and led him downstairs and out of the inn into the mid day sun, "I'll help where I can, come with me" he said gently which seemed out of character by his design. The streets where paved with cobble stone, its buildings made mostly of wood of brown hue. Along the streets many booths had been set up, various furs selling their wares. He noticed an almost complete majority of wolves and foxes made up the populace, a few avians here and there. She continued, "I'm Zika Verdaire and I work at the inn here in the city of Krellth."
   "Nice to meet you Zika I'm Tezztor, that much I remember." he forced a smile trying to seem receptive to her generosity. Everybody seemed to be giving him a weird look as they walked by. "Why is everybody looking at me so weirdly?" he asked, concerned.
   "Your a raptor that's why. Nobody alive has ever seen a raptor and by records your race is supposed to be extinct." she explained as she stopped and turned towards him. "I don't know how you got here or in my inn but what I do know is you got to be careful. You see wolves don't take very kindly to your race, you better stick with me." she said with a stern, serious face that opened up into a warm smile when she mentioned that he stick with her. "Us reptiles have to stick together right?" she added again with a smile. They continued down the road for hours talking about the inn and random goings on as if he had any real knowledge or care about the mundane. By sunset he had a strong feeling she was enamored with him. "Why don't you stay at my place till you get back on your feet hmm?" she asked looking him dead in the eyes waiting for an answer.
   He looked at her and smiled, "Sounds good to me" She seemed pleased with his answer and turned around with a "follow me" look and strutted down the street her tail swaying hypnotically behind her. While it wasn't exactly the answer he was looking for, having a place to stay and a contact wasn't a bad idea. If he were to be stuck here she might not be a bad choice, even if she did come on to him like a crazed female in heat. He moved to follow her but noticed a avian out of the corner of his eyes, dressed in ragged cloth like him. She looked frightened and unsure much like he must have, it was hard to get a exact picture of what she looked like she was in the dark. He saw her look right at him and a look of pure shock seemed to wash over her.
   "Tezztor?!" the bird managed, its voice dire and frightened. "Tezztor?! Is that you?" the bird repeated as if expecting him to answer. She maneuvered and moved into the light, looking straight at him as if she knew him. She grasped his tattered shirt desperately, "Where are we"
   Tezztor growled at her fiercely and pushed her off. For a second he was surprised at his own reaction, it came as instinct. "I don't know who you are but next time you touch me, you won't have to worry about a thing. Who are you?" he said angrily. He looked her over, she was purely of avian decent or more specifically a Falcon.
   She looked at him frantically before finally responding, "I'm phantomfalcon from the furry forums, don't you recognize me?"
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 12:37:33 AM by Tezztor Ne'taku »

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Re: Friend or Foe
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 12:53:33 AM »
wow tezz that sounds great man. dude this is so cool. man i can't wait to hear more man!

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Re: Friend or Foe
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 12:55:56 AM »
Vwery nice. ~yawns~ oops, sorry. Tired. I'll read more when you post it. Sounds great though! ^^
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Re: Friend or Foe
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2009, 12:57:30 AM »
i love it ^^ keep it coming, i cant wait
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Re: Friend or Foe
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2009, 01:01:52 AM »
Vwery nice. ~yawns~ oops, sorry. Tired. I'll read more when you post it. Sounds great though! ^^

-_- Thats one less character being added to the story

i love it ^^ keep it coming, i cant wait

Thank you

wow tezz that sounds great man. dude this is so cool. man i can't wait to hear more man!

Thank you as well.

More to come as well as the appearance of more characters

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Re: Friend or Foe
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2009, 01:50:06 AM »
Hm, looking great so far! Interesting idea for a story, that's for sure!

I can't wait to see how everything's going to work out. Something tells me it's going to get complicated ^^
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Re: Friend or Foe
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2009, 01:53:49 AM »
Hm, looking great so far! Interesting idea for a story, that's for sure!

I can't wait to see how everything's going to work out. Something tells me it's going to get complicated ^^

Calm before the storm, that's for sure.

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Re: Friend or Foe
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2009, 02:48:40 AM »

Calm before the storm, that's for sure.

Heh, yeah... And it's always the calm that makes the storm even more amazing. And with the way you've got it set up, it's going to be one heck of a ride...
Comments are like chocolate donuts to writers :3

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Re: Friend or Foe
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2009, 09:08:51 PM »
Heh, I knew you'd make a great start to this. I can't wait for more! :)
The farewell was premature. My definite stay is not definite. The constants are variable. The greeting was too late.


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