Better idea then. You are female, correct?
good. Now three easy steps to start off with.
1. begin to let more of yourself show
2. when people make like they're upset about it, walk away
3. most importantly; NEVER, EVER let someone tell you how to act.
there is absolutely no reason for such ignorance.
Nor is it their right to dictate how you respond to your environments. Let them try to bring you down, they fight physically, fight mentally. They say something, ignore it. They do something to tick you off, brush it off. Nothing gets under their skin better than if you act as though you could care less. Trust me, I was on both sides of the spectrum and I've learned my lesson. I don't care if they ridicule me, nor do I torment others for who they are. I may make cute little comments about friends' odder sides but it is pure fun and if we offend each other, we make up.
I don't like to hear someone being made fun of because they're different, it's RIDICULOUS. Someone gets on your case, send them to me. I will gladly straighten them out with a word or two. I am not a very violent person (even if I come off that way) unless I decide there's no other way to solve an issue. Do your best to fix it peacefully and, if nothing else helps, knock the biggest one down and the rest will back out.