Yeah, I'm getting a camera for my B-Day in a few months. It's probably gonna be a nice one. And to put it to great use I'm going to create funny videos, interesting facts, and... ranting. I've ranted in real life plenty, so I can easily do so on Youtube.
I'd prefer to discuss things with humor or calmly inform them, but I can be quite persuasive through sharp pointing and yells too. I'm going to rant on everything I care about. I will rant on health topics (Cigarettes, Alchohol... Pop-tarts), discrimination topics (What is a Geek, Furry, etc. and why do people stereotype them), and on occasion, politics, economy, and current news.
How should I go about doing so? What do you think would appeal to Youtubers most? Or should I... not? Fellow Furries, I'm leaving it to you because other groups will tell me not to rant. Love. :-*