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Author Topic: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!  (Read 2021 times)

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Offline Alter Insatiable

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A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« on: March 08, 2009, 01:02:55 PM »
Hahloo All,

I'm not really all that good with introductions but here I go... I hope.

I'm Alter Insatiable, or Alter, or A.I. or Ai. i can be called anything you wish to.
I've been a furry for about three and a half years but have been kind of quiet in the fandom because of being kind of shy and not really having much means of being involved other than meeting a few people here and there randomly on video games or Furcadia. I've always really wanted to do something related to the fandom regularly other than sneak on Furcadia at two A.M. because sadly I still live under my mother's roof, and she would probably not approve of the fandom or get a misleading google result. Thus, to post I'll most likely be using my iPod touch when i have internet connection rather than on the computer because she likes to pop in on me and ask to see what I'm doing on the computer. Luckily to get started here this weekend I've had the fortune of her going a few states away with friends for a few days.

Now on to more about me specifically.

I'm a novelist/poet/actor/musician/polyglot from suburban New York, still attending high school. I have a passion for writing like no other and can seldom be found without a pen and a notebook. My work is not well known outside of the community besides the local student literary magazine (Which I have been published in three times) which seems to make it's way into the surrounding communities. My current goal is a novel and have about a third of it done, working with a published writer/musician to finish it. My favorite genre of writing is fantasy, but I am terrible at writing it, so I tend to take the road of realistic fiction. My favorite books include: The Man Who Turned Into Himself, Boy Meets Boy, Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath, Macbeth, The Catcher in the Rye, Wicked, Of Mice And Men, and East of Eden.

I began acting this year after taking a philosophy class that told me to break down my boundaries and do something I've always been afraid to do. Since then I have been involved in the original productions of two yet to be published one act plays: 'What's Your Damage, Callie Mallory' as Mather, the single father who decides to get surgery (censored to just gender confusion) and raise a sixteen year old rock/pop princess with her own TV show, and 'Hold Me Now' where I played Jeb, the boy who just wants to love and wants to tell her that he wants to be with her, and through a strange slew of events on Thanksgiving realizes this, all thanks to a kindly stranger. Known productions I have been in include only one: Stephan Sondheim's Into The Woods as the Steward to Prince Charming. I have discovered a passion for acting after watching musicals and plays for so many years.

Another passion of mine is Music. I'm most likely found listening to music, whether in class or not, and almost always Metal, Post Hardcore, The Classics (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Simon and Garfunkel) or... Show tunes! Hehe. I play the bass guitar and sing lead vocals for the local band Martyrdom, a new on the scene metal band. I go to concerts in NYC almost all of the time too.

Besides the arts I love to learn language (polyglot: someone who speaks many languages). Currently I know English (Duh) I am mostly proficient in Italian and Chinese. I am looking to start German soon, along with Korean to add to the many languages I know, just as a hobby.

I play a lot of videogames too, I'm not just some crazy arts fur. I play a lot of MMORPGs on the computer, but having limited access lately I have begun to regress to my gamecube with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Sonic Adventure DX, Super Mario Sunshine, you know, the good games of yesteryear, oh and Poke'mon. The game that has been the object of my worship since my catching of the original airing in America of the first episode. Besides videogames I can also be a bit of an Anime nerd, probably a lot due to my love for foreign languages.

I also am a player of Magic the Gathering in NY, often going to Friday Night Magic events, PTQs (Pro Tour Qualifiers) and States Championships. For those of you who don't know, it's a nerdy teen's card game.

I hope I can be welcome here, I'm up to RP if anyone wants to read my clothing list and description or wants a back-story I can give that. I hope to make many friends here if possible and I hope I have not bored anyone with my annoyingly long life story here.

(Oh and if anyone wanted to know how I found this, one of my friends was raving about IMVU so I googled 'IMVU' with 'Furry' and this website came up. Heh.)

Thank you for putting up with me so far,
~Alter Insatiable

Offline Sparky15756

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2009, 01:04:46 PM »
gaaah tl;dr

welcome to the forum ^^
With 955 characters for a signature, I can try make something funny or interesting but no, I'm just gonna sit here and type instead of going to work because breaking the fourth wall is more humour than trying to figure out how I'll get access to my other laptop; picking up my charger that I left at a friends house, around 40 miles away...

Good going Sparky, you did well. On the plus side, it's given you a chance to accidentally revisit some old stomping grounds and see what madness you can create during this seemingly temporarily return.

Offline Vosur Aekira

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 02:46:41 PM »
I'm normally not up for long intros like that, but at least you let us know about yourself.

Offline Alter Insatiable

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 02:48:18 PM »
Yeah I'm sorry it was a tad long. I've yet to be able to keep things short and sweet when not writing in verse.

Offline Vosur Aekira

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2009, 02:59:12 PM »
I normally like to keep any intro I make as short as possible so that it leaves questions to be asked.

Offline WingedZephyr

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2009, 04:44:24 AM »
Welcome aboard. :)
  • Avatar by: Ladie

Art stream:

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2009, 12:52:41 PM »
Welcome to the site.
Read the left column then the right column

Times change, and promises are broken        |   Life is short
Life goes on and yet it stops                        |   Yet the soul is eternal
I have much to give so have this token         |   Your words a port
And get some chocolate from the shops        |   For feelings, internal

Life is short so do not wait                          |   Go seek the love
Take love by the horns                               |   Who's soul is yours
Loyalty is a wonderful trait                           |   They are your dove
But be wary of a rose's thorns                     |   Who's love is lores

Things that live                               |   Join now in the search
Must always die                               |   And find your love
Yet do not dive                              |   They'll be your perch
Into this lie                                     |   As you are their dove

Offline Dr. Strange

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2009, 11:05:48 PM »
I'm a novelist/poet/actor/musician/polyglot from suburban New York, still attending high school. I have a passion for writing like no other and can seldom be found without a pen and a notebook. My work is not well known outside of the community besides the local student literary magazine (Which I have been published in three times) which seems to make it's way into the surrounding communities. My current goal is a novel and have about a third of it done, working with a published writer/musician to finish it. My favorite genre of writing is fantasy, but I am terrible at writing it, so I tend to take the road of realistic fiction. My favorite books include: The Man Who Turned Into Himself, Boy Meets Boy, Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath, Macbeth, The Catcher in the Rye, Wicked, Of Mice And Men, and East of Eden.

Another passion of mine is Music. I'm most likely found listening to music, whether in class or not, and almost always Metal, Post Hardcore, The Classics (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Simon and Garfunkel) or... Show tunes! Hehe. I play the bass guitar and sing lead vocals for the local band Martyrdom, a new on the scene metal band. I go to concerts in NYC almost all of the time too.

Besides the arts I love to learn language (polyglot: someone who speaks many languages). Currently I know English (Duh) I am mostly proficient in Italian and Chinese. I am looking to start German soon, along with Korean to add to the many languages I know, just as a hobby.

Thank you for putting up with me so far,
~Alter Insatiable

Looks like you and I might get along well based on your interests and hobbies. (ha ha) I write poetry, stories etc. as well. =p Musicians rock.
I go by many names; Mistress of the Abandoned; King of the Shattered; Duchess of the Damned; Nightcatcher; and Dreamwatcher.
but I am untamed and therefor
Your Worst Nightmare
~~Dr. Stitches "Sahara" Strange~~ experiment from D13 -------->
Pet's name: A734RF50G
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Offline Alter Insatiable

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2009, 12:12:43 AM »
I'm a novelist/poet/actor/musician/polyglot from suburban New York, still attending high school. I have a passion for writing like no other and can seldom be found without a pen and a notebook. My work is not well known outside of the community besides the local student literary magazine (Which I have been published in three times) which seems to make it's way into the surrounding communities. My current goal is a novel and have about a third of it done, working with a published writer/musician to finish it. My favorite genre of writing is fantasy, but I am terrible at writing it, so I tend to take the road of realistic fiction. My favorite books include: The Man Who Turned Into Himself, Boy Meets Boy, Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath, Macbeth, The Catcher in the Rye, Wicked, Of Mice And Men, and East of Eden.

Another passion of mine is Music. I'm most likely found listening to music, whether in class or not, and almost always Metal, Post Hardcore, The Classics (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Simon and Garfunkel) or... Show tunes! Hehe. I play the bass guitar and sing lead vocals for the local band Martyrdom, a new on the scene metal band. I go to concerts in NYC almost all of the time too.

Besides the arts I love to learn language (polyglot: someone who speaks many languages). Currently I know English (Duh) I am mostly proficient in Italian and Chinese. I am looking to start German soon, along with Korean to add to the many languages I know, just as a hobby.

Thank you for putting up with me so far,
~Alter Insatiable

Looks like you and I might get along well based on your interests and hobbies. (ha ha) I write poetry, stories etc. as well. =p Musicians rock.

Yay! People who share interests are fun! :3

Offline Kit Angel

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2009, 04:34:39 AM »
Welcome to the Forums!!! *GLomps* and i'm an anime freak as well ^w^
Sometimes even love can hurt, but don't let things get you down, just take them one step at a time in the road that is paved before you because everyone has their speed bumps in life

Offline Dr. Strange

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2009, 08:34:33 PM »
I'm a novelist/poet/actor/musician/polyglot from suburban New York, still attending high school. I have a passion for writing like no other and can seldom be found without a pen and a notebook. My work is not well known outside of the community besides the local student literary magazine (Which I have been published in three times) which seems to make it's way into the surrounding communities. My current goal is a novel and have about a third of it done, working with a published writer/musician to finish it. My favorite genre of writing is fantasy, but I am terrible at writing it, so I tend to take the road of realistic fiction. My favorite books include: The Man Who Turned Into Himself, Boy Meets Boy, Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath, Macbeth, The Catcher in the Rye, Wicked, Of Mice And Men, and East of Eden.

Another passion of mine is Music. I'm most likely found listening to music, whether in class or not, and almost always Metal, Post Hardcore, The Classics (Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Simon and Garfunkel) or... Show tunes! Hehe. I play the bass guitar and sing lead vocals for the local band Martyrdom, a new on the scene metal band. I go to concerts in NYC almost all of the time too.

Besides the arts I love to learn language (polyglot: someone who speaks many languages). Currently I know English (Duh) I am mostly proficient in Italian and Chinese. I am looking to start German soon, along with Korean to add to the many languages I know, just as a hobby.

Thank you for putting up with me so far,
~Alter Insatiable

Looks like you and I might get along well based on your interests and hobbies. (ha ha) I write poetry, stories etc. as well. =p Musicians rock.

Yay! People who share interests are fun! :3

YAY!!! Anyways, welcome to the forums, enjoy yourself and make sure you follow the rules.
I go by many names; Mistress of the Abandoned; King of the Shattered; Duchess of the Damned; Nightcatcher; and Dreamwatcher.
but I am untamed and therefor
Your Worst Nightmare
~~Dr. Stitches "Sahara" Strange~~ experiment from D13 -------->
Pet's name: A734RF50G
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Offline Kit Angel

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2009, 08:54:13 PM »
oh i almost forgot ^w^ i also like to draw as well as write some poems  :-[ even though i barely show the romantic side of me ^w^
Sometimes even love can hurt, but don't let things get you down, just take them one step at a time in the road that is paved before you because everyone has their speed bumps in life

Offline Alter Insatiable

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2009, 10:26:47 PM »
oh i almost forgot ^w^ i also like to draw as well as write some poems  :-[ even though i barely show the romantic side of me ^w^

I usually don't write romantic poetry, I mostly write dark poetry, not emo, just like, less surface and more metaphorical. Usually when I'm drunk on Pink Floyd xD

Offline Dr. Strange

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2009, 10:29:25 PM »
drunk on pink floyd. Ha ha.
I go by many names; Mistress of the Abandoned; King of the Shattered; Duchess of the Damned; Nightcatcher; and Dreamwatcher.
but I am untamed and therefor
Your Worst Nightmare
~~Dr. Stitches "Sahara" Strange~~ experiment from D13 -------->
Pet's name: A734RF50G
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

Offline Mr. Meerkat

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Re: A.I. (Alter Insatiable) has arrive-ed!
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2009, 11:18:00 AM »
Hello and welcome to furry forums i hope you enjoy your stay
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