I'll randomly make them all!
1. I am the great righteous dude, you will follow me to be awesome and stuff.
2. Don't use my name badly or anything.
3. You should have a day when you get to sit there and rest, I'll just make it the weekends.
4. Thou shalt like the following noms: tacos, fish, awesomesauce, quesadillas, chocalate, and some other stuff.
5. Don't hurt people because hurting people increases suck and decreases awesome.
6. Don't steal peoples stuff.
7. Thou shalt fight to increase awesome and decrease suck.
8. Thou shalt do what makes ya' happy and be who you are bro.
9. Thou shalt speak with a righteous lingo, this one is pretty optional though.
10. Thou shalt think pirates and ninjas are awesome and stuff.
Do you like these commandments?