However, this does make it possible for things like...acid damage, and extensive facial damage, to be completely fixable...
Yeah, but there are less complicated options for recovery for these cases than a facial transplant. Ever heard of Original cells? Basicaly (For those who don't know), they're cells which haven't been given a function yet, so they can be whatever you want them to be by surgical manipulations. For example, if you were to harm yourself in a manner where you would have a scar, placing those cells in the fresh wound
should completely heal it up and prevent the formation of a scar. Scientists discovered that recently, so it's not perfected, so it's impossible for now to do incredible recoveries (Tough, if I recall well, they fixed someone's heart with them). Oh yeah, you have a good amount of original cells somewhere in your nose, so take care of it in case soemthing happens to you.
Back on topic, just extracting the cells should be good enough (After practice) to heal up such damages. (If the damages aren't too extensive, such as a bullet hole)