Hey peeps, I regret to announce I may not be able to post this week!
I've been rather busy doing an acting role in terms of my Law A-Level, where I have to act as a defendant for a case where I am an accused drug dealer! (I get to dress up and everything hahaha).
I have to go to a crown court with some other students (who are playing as barristers, ushers etc) and competing against other schools.
Basically, I have to get up at 6:30am tomorrow ON A SATURDAY and I won't be back in my city until about 6, and then i'll be staying at my boyfriend's because its easier! So I doubt i'll have time to do a page; for that I apologise, but I'll TRY TRY TRY to get one up mid week!
I assure you i'd rather do a page than get up that early by a billion per cent, but duties are duties 'm afraid!
Have a nice weekend! xxxxxxxxxxx