Well Some people can't just accept the fact of Change since and due to the Furry fandom being around before i was even born, some people just need to accept others for who they are and not what they are we are who we are the more we or they hate it the Strong the hate and the thing or people will get Stronger over time, but we never know what would happen if a war between furs and fur haters broke out mass uprising, total chaos, murder so on and so forth, sometimes most people get along most of the people i hang out with are pretty open minded and accept others because of how strong they are in what they belive and most of the time i wish the rest of the world could be like that because heck it would be a better place or if they gave us our own country or whatever where it was just pure furs but then that would be a bad idea because if we were all clustered in the same place they would destroy us in a single blow but good thing that we are spread out all over the world to spread the word of love to each other and how well we get along as well why can't the world be more like us... ^w^