Silver ran into the square, with her new friend following her. 'Okay, okay... so thiiis is the main square, most of the street battles take place, Its really good for if you want to practice any moves, or just generally get stronger! We do have rules, and if you want to battle, you have to go and register with marowak over there, so he can organize good matches, and make it as fair and safe as possible!'
She stopped and waited for Ezra, smiling. 'Also, if you carry on down to the entrance of the village you'll find all the store--' She noticed the two pokémon entering the village, although they looked like average pokémon, but she didn't recognise them.
She recognised them to be a party of a jolteon and a cubone. Knowing the area, there could only be one other jolteon... Reading his mind she confirmed it, paused and turned around, continuing her conversation with Ezra. '--s where you can buy all sorts, from potions and special seeds and berries, to stat altering clothing like ''joy bows''! And over here...!' she said, running in the opposite direction of the disguised Riku, pleased that he actually managed to get into the village.