ghost flew shakily above he town, trying hard to stay aloft, she was new to flying, and it seemed her power moments before, was just a fluke. the falcon girl could still see OK, but flying wasn't second nature to her yet. she soon realised that she had flown over town, and was well over the woods. "i don't even know what the smithy looked like, and i can't hear smoke" she spat into the forest and then turned into the wind, causing the falcon girl to get more lift making the actual turning easier. once she righted herself and tried flying back to town. this is annoying. why the heck am i even doing this, if i "die" here, I'll probably just get deported home. is that such a bad thing? and besides, if I'm last, that means no one else has to die. ghost thought nodding. once she spotted a large spire type roof in town, she landed on it. a chapel, maybe she wondered resting on the spire. or a town meeting hall, or a guard house ghost froze and twitched when that thought came to her. she slowly peaked over the roof top, careful not to slide off the tower. her ears saw a courtyard with many furs in armor training inside, each wielding spears, swords, and axes. she slowly moved back onto the roof top.
OK, OK, OK, if i fly they will definitely see me. OK come on ghost, think the falcon girl thought to herself rapidly thinking. ghost crept to the edge of the roof once more, she cast out sound for any loose tile, she saw one and carefully picked it up, not letting it scrap much and make a lot of noise. she sighted a guard on the watch wall encircling the court yard. she pulled her arm back and threw it forward with all her might. it flew true and struck the guard (an unfortunate saint Barnard furry) in the head. he tumbled to the ground and nearly every guard rushed over to see if he was OK. while the rest scanned the roof looking for the thrower. ghost darted to the their side of the spire and flew off. wow, i guess i should take back all those things i said to my mom about making me do soft ball for 3 years. ghost thought solemnly.
ghost heard horn calls and angry shouting from behind her. she had been spotted. "almost worked" she muttered as she felt an arrow rush past her, a mere few inches from her head. ghost swore as more arrows flew at her. she got struck a few times, she didn't feel capable of doing areal maneuver's yet. she felt deep and sharp pains, one in her thigh, and one in her abdomen. amazingly her wings haven't been hit yet. OK, what did i think when i made ghost, ugh weak wings, fire, blind, umm she thought as more arrows whizzed by her. the last one shot at her pierced her left wing. she yelped in pain as the pristine silver feathers were stained a deep red by her own blood. she quickly looked around for anywhere to land. she spotted an available roof top. she turned and landed, and quickly slid down the peaked roof a bit to hide from archer's near the guard house. she breathed in and smelled smoke. it smelled like her camping trip a year ago. heavy sent of a lot of burning wood. she sounded out and quickly saw a building that looked familiar. "there's the smithy" she said quietly, it sounded about 5 street blocks away.
ghost paused to think. I'll let the others go, this is fun, but, maybe i should be going home, i bet the others are enjoying this more than me she thought, painfully extracting the arrows from her body and wings.