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Author Topic: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)  (Read 4862 times)

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Offline Arilys DuskFlare

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Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« on: June 20, 2009, 06:33:11 PM »
Foxx was laying on the bed, strapped to it, God knew how long. The darkness that surrounded him didn't scare him anymore. Recently, the fox started seeing the outlines of some things. A chair, a small table, nothing much, really. During his free time, he found out how to control his power. He started by making some small shadow, of different little objects, and, with time, he started making more complex shadows, new weapons, objects, thing that might be useful. He got bored easily, so it was something good to kill all the time he had.
As the time passed, he wondered when he would be able to get out of that bed.
"I've been here for so long..." he said, his voice slightly different from disuse. He sighed, making some shadows and watching them fight in the darkness above him. It was all quiet, the silence seemed to be unbearable, it would feel like it was making some kind of pressure in your ears, but the fox seemed unaffected.

But then, something happened. The restraints on his wrists and ankles loosened, then moved under the bed, leaving Foxx free to move. He slowly pulled himself up until he was sitting.
"Wow... these still work..." he said to himself, looking at his furred arms, only seeing their outlines. He moved slightly, shaking with the effort, and was surprised to see that he could stand. He thought it would be much harder, due the long period without moving.

He looked around, seeing the chair and the table, then turned to a wall with what looked like a crack. He always wondered what the crack was for, so he walked near. Reaching the wall, he pressed the palm of his paw against the crack. A sound was heard, and a part of the wall moved, letting in a bright white light.
"Ahh..." Foxx whimpered, covering his eyes. Some moments later, he got used to the brightness, and noticed the white corridor outside of his room. He stepped outside, looking around and seeing a camera. The young fox looked at himself, and blushed deeply, getting in the room again and getting behind a wall. "Ok... I'm naked and there's cameras outside... glad I thought of something..." he said, embarrassed. He focused for a little while, shadows gathering around him. Soon, it looked like he was wearing a long black and grey cloak. It wasn't much, but at least it kept him covered. "Heh... Not exactly my favorite colors, but I don't have a lot of colors to choose with shadows..." he mumbled. He moved his paw, making a black sword appear. "Much better, at least I have something to use in case I have to protect myself."

With that, he left the room, carving a small X on the door, then left through the white corridor. True, the room was pitch black, but Foxx felt it was like a home to him.

(OOC Thread:
« Last Edit: June 20, 2009, 06:35:50 PM by Foxx DawnKit »
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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2009, 04:58:22 AM »
Chrono was in his 'room' as usual, but unlike most rooms and due to his past history, there was a P.A.-like system in his room called 'Mother', who basically answered any questions he had, as long as the ones who made 'Mother' approved of the answer. "Mother, why do I exist?" he asked, not opening his eyes while his head rests between his knees. "You were born with the ability and power to prevent wars against The Government, anything else dear?" the somewhat human voice replied. "Yea, can I go outside?" he asked as he had plenty of times before, but even though he knows the answer, he hopes she replies differently. "Outside your room, yes, outside the" She replied, with a hint of regret in her last word, probably to either make him think that she wanted him free, or that 'Mother' actually had emotions. Either way, he got out of his crouching position and asked the one question that bugged him for the entire time he knew of the outside. "Mother, if I go away and don't come back....will you honestly cry for me?" he asked the ever-invisible 'Mother' before walking out the door with only a pair of baggy black pants...
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

Offline PhantomStone

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 11:52:22 AM »
ghost stood up. something the falcon girl had been trying to do for the past hour and a half. she had been lying in bed for the past few days. a bought of sickness had caught her after her last operation by the doctors here. they had figured out a way to make ghost hear in natural sonar. they had a perfect night time warrior. but it only partially made up for her disability, the avian had always been blind. she could never "see" the way other's could. but she had a new way to see now. the human girl with large falcon wings coming out of her back walked to the door. she put her hand on the door and slid it open. the girl had been graced with clothes luckily and had worn them when she had fallen asleep last. a camera started at the blind and indifferent girl. ghost Marley shrugged and walked down the passage way. keeping her ears open for anything interesting. she was tired of sitting around.

Offline Arilys DuskFlare

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2009, 02:32:01 AM »
Foxx walked through the white halls of God knew where he was. He looked around, and, whenever he thought that the camera behind him couldn't see him anymore, another one appeared, turning to him with an irritating little sound. The fox's ears twitched lightly and angrily.
'Stupid cameras...' he thought, glaring at the one in front of him. The machine's objective turned lightly, focusing on him.
"What're you looking at?" he barked. Being locked in that room without moving had definitely been bad for him. He growled lightly and did his best not to unsheathe his sword and slice the camera wide open. Suddenly, a voice was heard.
"Subject is a Vulpes Vulpes, mostly known as a Red Fox."
Foxx looked at the machine, then shook his head and kept walking.
"Wow... really...?" he asked, his voice filled with sarcasm.
"Indeed." was the machine's answer. Foxx growled.
"And it has a sense of humor... brilliant..." he said under his breath. If he didn't find anyone to talk soon, he would probably start destroying all the cameras he saw.
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Offline Chrono Blackwyng

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2009, 03:54:37 PM »
As Chrono was walking down the hallway, he let out an aura of electricity, so the camera's sensors wouldn't set off, but the ones who made the cameras found out that he could do this and adjusted the singal frequency so that each camera has its own frequency, making it almost impossible to go through the halls unless one had complete mastery over electric currents, which Chrono was still a ways from. "Subject Deus Dra-" the voice was cut off as Chrono made the camera short-circuit long enough to keep it from speaking again. Then he saw another individual also having camera issues, so he tries to make conversation. "If they didn't catch on to what I could do, I could have blown out the fuse to all of the cameras already."
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

Offline KittKat chunky~

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2009, 09:12:12 PM »
another day in hell he supposed, Cat pulled on his black combat boots and slipped on the dark uniform of the NEG, he shuddered at the thought, the experiments didnt need guarding, it was part of the corporations tests, somting phsycological probably, putting on the red beret with the embossed badge "NEG, new experiment guard, he spat on the floor...

pulling out his tazor gun from the rack and stun baton he proceeded to patrol the corridors as he did every day, waiting for the mocking to commence....
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Offline Arilys DuskFlare

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2009, 09:56:45 AM »
Foxx looked around as he heard a voice. The fox turned around and saw a dragon standing not far from him. Tilting his head a bit to one side in confusion, he looked around again.
"Um... who are they...?" he asked. The camera behind him moved so it was facing the dragon.
I are a Mewgia 8D Deal with the cute >83

Offline KittKat chunky~

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2009, 10:07:03 AM »
Cat turned the corner swishing his tail to and fro, it was pointless a job they gave to him as another of their tests, it had ruined what little of a life he had left, any of the others at the least ignored him, and no one had ever shown the slightest bit of friendship, with the badge of NEG evryone saw him as part of the corporation who had trapped them there.......

as he turned the next corner he saw a fox and a dragon, trying to keep his face low and covered by the beret he tried to push past them without making eye contact, he felt he hadnt seen the fox before but that didnt mean he would act any different from the others.....
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"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

Offline Chrono Blackwyng

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2009, 04:43:52 PM »
"They're the eyes of the NEG, the instant we cause problems, a unit rushes down to subdue us and throw us back in our rooms for a day or two."
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

Offline KittKat chunky~

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 04:48:01 PM »
Cat sighed as he heard the whispered response, he had no friends, even the NEG despised him as he was the only experiment in they re ranks, looking up at the camera above him he put in his identi-card and accessed a computer panel on the side of the wall..... looking back at the two whispering he gave a deep sigh.... looking down at the screen his face paled, the message for him followed~

~~Cat Kistrev - NEG unit 4675~~
*we have been watching you on the camera system, you are not showing enough authority, as an experiment we have decided you must subdue the dragon for being insubordination, there will be no questions or torture will follow this evening..... we will be watching 4675....

no.... cat looked up at the camera above almost pleading..... all his look met was a blinking red light and indifferent lens.... he resigned himself to the worst and turned back to face the two talking, pulling his tazor-rifle to his shoulder he stepped up towards the dragon who was easily two heads taller than him and cleared his throat loudly.....
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 05:25:55 PM by Kitteh (known as cat) »
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"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

Offline Arilys DuskFlare

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2009, 06:16:32 PM »
Foxx glanced at the cameras again, then faced the dragon, still a bit confused.
"Ok... and what's the NEG and where are we? Why did they do this to us? What do they want us to do??" he asked, noticing a cat/fox hybrid walking near. He had so many questions running through his thoughts.

He then heard someone clearing his throat, and looked around, only seeing the cat...
I are a Mewgia 8D Deal with the cute >83

Offline KittKat chunky~

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2009, 06:29:58 PM »
Cat looked quickly at the fox, the NEG are here for youre protection, we are here to keep you safe...... pulling the tazor-gun to his shoulder he aimed it at the dragon, and after listening intently to the headset wound round his ear he pointed it at the fox also, and you are both under subduence arrest for insubordination and disobeying rules......
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"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2009, 07:32:09 PM »
Chrono turns around to face the NEG with the tazer, and the lights above him flicker for a moment. "I hope they told you what some of us can do, because that tazer won't do anything to one of my ability". He might have sounded high and mighty, but firing an electric based weapon at him was indeed just like throwing wood at a fire.

Chrono looked up at the cameras and smirked while looking back at the officer. "I take it you were ordered to 'detain' me for kicks?" He asked, motioning to the lack of help behind the NEG.
"From suffering I was born, From misery I was conceived. From the plight of Mortals I thrive, From the pits of Hell I rise, beware...... For I live.........."

"Wait, you're here for my shiny loot? I thought you were here to avenge the cattle and people I've slaughtered..."

"I may not always be a caring person, but even when I am furious, it is mostly at myself for becoming this way"
The definition of Pwn (along with examples):

Offline KittKat chunky~

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2009, 07:36:26 PM »
uuhhhh.... Cat stepped back hastily licking his lips his tail swishing nervously, he looked up at the camera..... ive,ive aw! FRACK IT! he shot the tazer rifle at the camera, the small case exploded in a shower of sparks and acrid smoke, throwing the rifle away he slid down the wall sobbing into his beret, hiw tail twitching side to side..........
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"The Slovak optimist is learning English, the Slovak pesimist is learning Russian and the Slovak realist is learning to shoot an AK-47"

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Re: Trying to Escape (Probable fights, Adventure)
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2009, 08:32:39 PM »
Maxi groggily awoke to the sounds of tapping...and...hissing. Gor she wasn`t sure...but she knew one thing. Her "father?" had gotten his way.


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