EHHH HEHE HEE I dawed STOOF! I'm so tired, went on a boat ride with my dad after work. Yes after working an 8 hour shift and getting home at 4:15am I then around 5:30am went off in a boat with my dad to go fishing. Caught NOTHING! Except he found out the fishing pole he had was crap. HEHEHE that was funny, oh fishing with my dad, swearing and moaning and trying not to throw the pole in the water.
AND back to reality HERE IS ARTS!
Fixed it, and NOW I shall need to draw you a new one cause YES I just should. Quiet!
Unimpressed AirRaiser is unimpressed... THAT IS ALL!
AR is crazy when she hasn't had much sleep, as I type this I'm actually speaking it in strange voices. MUAHAHAHA