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Well I've been trying to do some photography again, I love taking pictures of animals. This one is a few years old, my best friend CatSoup used to have a rat she named Mars. He some how got fleas, not egg and stuff but full grown fleas. Her cat didn't have them, sooo yea we dunno. But this was Mars after we got him wet then went in with a pair of tweezers, picked off every one of the fleas, then drowned them. Poor little guy had itched himself so badly. So I took a picture cause he was so cute! Then I played with the picture, and because I never get a Halloween picture done here is me repeating myself. <--- If you like my photographyHAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! I'll forget when the time arises cause I'll be away.
For CrazyCat and Macid, these are both 300 x 300 pixelsCrazyCat STOP NOMING ON THAT! NO BAD CAT! (Hehe I had to post that, it was going through my head when I drew it)