:peek: I had a dream last night where I woke up in an animal pound and the guard opened my cage and put a collar and leash he was leading me down the hall and next to him was one of the vets and she was reading down a list of my "bad deeds"
the list goes as follow:
attacking fellow pen mates
escaping my holding pen
attacking a trainer
attacking a spectator
attacking and killing my mate
attacking a vet.
I kept looking around and everyone I knew was there only they were in cages as the animals I normally associate them to be most like.
They just shook their heads when they saw me.
It fealt like I was walking for ages when suddenly the guard and the vet stopped in front of a door, they opened it and lead me into the room it was all white with small holes on the ground and they tied my leash to a pole sticking out of the wall. Then they both walked out and closed the door.
So I'm sitting in this room confused and looking at the vet stare at me through a window. I hear a large clank sound and then suddenly smoke starts wafting up from the holes and started filling the room.
I kept getting sleepier and sleepier, and as im slowly closing my eyes it gets harder to open them...
then I woke up, The End.