Tomorrow morning (around 10am GMT) the forums will be taken offline temporarily to allow for an upgrade to our portal software.
The new features include:
Two new positions for blocks: header and footer.
Revamped permission system with the ability to deny permissions.
Complex display options using PHP expressions for block display.
Implemented basic flood protection for shoutbox.
Introduced group based shoutbox moderators.
Added ability to prune shoutboxes with various options.
Links posted to shoutbox are now shortened.
Added ability to whisper (post private shouts) in shoutbox.
Better handling of ignored users in shoutbox.
Brand new RSS Feed block with a better parser.
Allow selecting blocks (not) to show in pages on page add/edit.
Allow overriding block titles using language strings.
And bug fixes include:
SMF 2.0.1 and 1.1.15 compatibility.
Improved compatibility with other mods.
Improved Right-To-Left languages support.
Several fixes to package database functions.
Custom theme friendly fix for broken headers.
Unescaped entities in shout dates could break shoutbox.
cutoff tag was displayed when it shouldn't be.
max-height failed on older browsers.
Copyright was misaligned due to recent changes in SMF.
Fixed MySQL 5.5+ compatibility.
Board news pagination link was sometimes broken.
Applied board permissions to the article management area.
Usually a modification upgrade can be done without you noticing but as the Portal is so deeply interconnected with the forums and we have multiple modifications some of these changes will need to be made manually. We apologise for this inconvenience.
This should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.