Oup, another drawing!
This ones kinda anthro though-- because I always thought if I wasn't a lioness i'd be a magpie (My bf actually nicknamed me magpie because we have similarities!

I even threw in a poem I made-- the joys

What do you think to the hair shading? If it gets some approval- I might start using it in my comic! xx
Its hard to see the writing so i'll type it up!

My black and white feathers,
They gleam in the moonlight,
My eyes are tired,
They have seen my mind.
I think of my feathers,
So bold in their colour,
So opposite in spirit,
I feel I cannot be both.
(Side of the black wing)
My black plumes absorb the dark,
They represent sorrows and solitude,
Casting doubt, bitterness and hate.
But as a magpie; why do I wish to be a dove?
For I should be certain of myself, but;
Perhaps my insecurities, fear and pain
Make me wish to be something else?
(Side of white wing)
My white feathers embrace the light,
Representing love, and to give it willingly,
Together with loyalty, trust and wisdom.
I want the black to not consume me;
To become a saddened Crow,
With its lack of freedom, unlike the dove,
With empty, hollow eyes that forget love.
Which will overrun me?