Literally just now I was called to aid the womenfolk in my family. I was told to put a half dead mouse out of its misery. It had apparently been brought in by the older of my two cats and my sister believed it only fair to kill it now instead of prolonging the pain. I walked down the stairs with a definite nonchalance fused within me, expecting the cat to have the mouse within its teeth, or for the mouse to be stuck in the corner, half paralysed and shivering... what i find instead is a terrified mouse hiding behind a dustpan and brush. It still had all its limbs and all its senses. I'm guessing my sister hadnt even dared look at the mouse, and instead went on the hysterics of my mother that it was bleeding profusely all over her lovely dining room floor.
I have to say, it was quite adorable, even if it was shaking in fear and constantly trying to burrow into a nearby pair of slippers. i used the dustpan and brush to scoop it up, while my mother flitted between ordering its execution and ordering its exhile, utterly confusing me in what she wanted me to do. I decided to let it outside, but not wanting to deprive my cat of his well earned meal, I let him outside as well. Rather like "round 2".
I dont tend to kill things if i see no reason to... nor do i put it at an unfair advantage.