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Author Topic: The great mouse attack!  (Read 1263 times)

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Offline Asia Kali Yusufzai

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The great mouse attack!
« on: July 27, 2009, 09:43:27 PM »
Literally just now I was called to aid the womenfolk in my family. I was told to put a half dead mouse out of its misery. It had apparently been brought in by the older of my two cats and my sister believed it only fair to kill it now instead of prolonging the pain. I walked down the stairs with a definite nonchalance fused within me, expecting the cat to have the mouse within its teeth, or for the mouse to be stuck in the corner, half paralysed and shivering... what i find instead is a terrified mouse hiding behind a dustpan and brush. It still had all its limbs and all its senses. I'm guessing my sister hadnt even dared look at the mouse, and instead went on the hysterics of my mother that it was bleeding profusely all over her lovely dining room floor.

I have to say, it was quite adorable, even if it was shaking in fear and constantly trying to burrow into a nearby pair of slippers. i used the dustpan and brush to scoop it up, while my mother flitted between ordering its execution and ordering its exhile, utterly confusing me in what she wanted me to do. I decided to let it outside, but not wanting to deprive my cat of his well earned meal, I let him outside as well. Rather like "round 2".

I dont tend to kill things if i see no reason to... nor do i put it at an unfair advantage.

"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

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Re: The great mouse attack!
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2009, 10:52:41 PM »
I wouldn't call it manliness because I'm a girl, but when I was younger and just starting elementary school, I would go around the playground, keeping the peace, and I would constantly have to talk two fighting kids into calming down and 'respecting your fellow school mates'. The school talked to my mom about it tons of times on the phone and I even got the nickname 'Playground Cop'.

Offline Asia Kali Yusufzai

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Re: The great mouse attack!
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 09:48:38 PM »
wow, that's pretty impressive. I was just the kid everyone strived to protect... no idea why, I guess i appear nice but vulnerable and need protecting.
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

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Re: The great mouse attack!
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2009, 09:37:44 PM »
well I did something as a kid that I guees you could consider manly. It was about the 6th grade and a person that was a loser and kinda a bully that I never did like was at my friends house and I decided to let him know what I thought of him and surprisingly he did nothing( I told him he was a jerk and was gonna burn and crash when he got older  :D)

Offline Asia Kali Yusufzai

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Re: The great mouse attack!
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2009, 12:34:27 AM »
half the time, those kinds of people either agree, or dont understand. :P
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

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Re: The great mouse attack!
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2009, 04:09:48 PM »
I found out though that it really helps to help out the weaker....I guess it's a wolf thing?

Offline Asia Kali Yusufzai

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Re: The great mouse attack!
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2009, 05:29:34 PM »
I used to help people for a long time, but now I really cannot be bothered with all the hassle. Everyone sees me as someone they can confide in and i dont know why... nowadays, I dont help people unless they expressly ask for it. One time, I literally let someone die because I just wanted to get some sleep. I didnt know them, I didnt care... I still dont.
"Parents always think kids are wasting their youth, and always have done [so] down through the millennia," says Tom Forsyth of RAD Game Tools. "'That Ug, always holding things. His front paws will develop in funny ways. Why can't he walk on all fours like normal proto-hominids?' And so, whatever the kids spend the most time doing, that's always what parents think is a waste of time, and what is corrupting their lives. It doesn't matter what that is. If all they did was homework, parents would be worrying that their kids aren't becoming well-rounded people. And, in fact, parents do this - enrolling math nerds in karate classes and the like. There is no way to win - parental paranoia ensures that kids are always doing the wrong thing."

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Re: The great mouse attack!
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2009, 05:51:28 AM »
   I recently save my brother from nearly killing himself when we were putting up a barn.  An inner wall we were putting up was beginning to sag and he was unaware and I yelled at him to get the heck out of there and get clear.  It wasn't one of those moments where you tackle him to get away from it but it was good enough to save his life.  We all know how thick barn timber is.
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