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Author Topic: Post Your Strange Events!  (Read 3113 times)

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Offline Goblin Cat 😸

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Post Your Strange Events!
« on: February 16, 2007, 09:12:24 PM »
This deviates off of the 'WOO no sleep means' topic since I noticed we were going off subject with strange happenings. Post your strange experiences here.

 :peek: I went two days straight without sleep and wound up having a long conversation with myself and a teddybear.
As for ghosts, when I used to live with my family in an old apartment alot of weird things would happen, especially in my room.
One night I had fallen asleep and I woke up because I fealt like someone was watching me, so when I opened my eyes I saw a figure in front of me and it said "I see you" so I screamed and it disappeared. After that I slept on the living room floor, till we moved out.
Haha! I don't think I'd blame you there. Sometimes in the shadows in my rom I can see a figure of a man move around, but I think it's my over creative mind at work.
of something like that ever happens to me in my room thw whole neighborhood will be up from the sound of my scream. ive seen scary things but in places where i dont have to sleep so i dont mind as much
Last night was the scariest night with the shadow man... I was laying down and I reached up to cut off my light. I turned toward the wall and was staring at some of my posters for about five minutes. I began to have the feeling that someone was watching me... I turned over and that shadow-man silloutte was standing right at the side of my bed. At first, I thought it was my eyes were still adjusting to the dark, so I wiped them and looked at this dim light that was coming from my radio. I could see everything perfectly around me in the dark, so my eyes were adjusted. I looked back at him and he was still standing there... I could see the opposing wall all around the silloutte, but I couldn't see through him. I tried to hard to focus on him, trying to calm myself by saying, "well, it's just your eyes adjusting..." Until it reached out to touch me... I gasped and hid under my covers. (In any situation, I can never seem to scream... It stays in my throat... I dunno why...) When I pulled my covers back, he was gone...

Offline Rhakshi

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2007, 09:19:28 PM »
that's kind of scary nyx. omg
don't get mad get sadistic
on "imvu" I am Rhakshi. How original                        
and heres the link for you lazy bums out there

Offline Goblin Cat 😸

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2007, 09:20:31 PM »
that's kind of scary nyx. omg
I know... I'm afraid to sleep in my room now...

Offline Rhakshi

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2007, 09:24:25 PM »
I would be afraid to also. :peek: maybe keep a bat, or better yet. A chaingun! :boom: nya! the only thing that happens strange to me is that I wake up either without a shirt, or without pants.....
don't get mad get sadistic
on "imvu" I am Rhakshi. How original                        
and heres the link for you lazy bums out there


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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2007, 10:51:25 PM »
lol I hate sleeping now(less than 5h per night). And sometime I stand in my bed and something start to move the cover on me and the scariest I seen my cover at my leg going up like if something was in.

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2007, 04:42:25 AM »
Once I was sleeping And I felt like something was tickling my feet and stuff, So I opend my eyes and the covers were lifted up off my feet. I can't sleep in my bed without making sure my feet are coverd.
Me and my Mate! SchizmWolf! I love you!!!
We stand United as one, All Furry's together, We can make it through.
I Always Imagine Your Gentle Touch
If Only You Knew I Felt This Much
Not Being With You I'm Falling Apart
Cuz I Don't Know How To Get To Your Heart
If You Could Only See The Luv In My Eyes
Of All Those Nights I Sat And Cried
Just Look At Me I'm Standing Here
Just Call Out My Name And I'll Be There
How Long The Wait, I Don't Know
When That Day Comes I'll Let It Show
If Only You Knew My Feelings For You
I'll Stay Hopeful You'll Feel The Same Way Too
..:::My feelings for You:::..
My heart flutters,
My hands shake,
My feelings for you
are beyond heaven's gate,
Those feelings I have for
you are pure,
This I know for sure.
Without you I am incomplete,
Because your love for me is so sweet!!

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2007, 05:19:30 AM »

Ok so i went to sleep and like normal people they dream, Well i happen to dream alot of wierd shit so i'm going to explain the world of stew when he sleeps..


Ok so this is how it started out...

A couplr weeks ago my mom gave my dog Sarah away which was heart breaking cause we had that dog for going on 9 years (this was not in the dream this was real life) so now for in the drean..i found my dog sarah with blood dripping outside her mouth and she was throwing it up... so i took out home and she tried to sleep on this little bed next to the wall.. and i was playing i think was SNES and for you who dont know what that is its a super nintendo...Well my dog Sarah started throwing up alot of blood on the wall and the floor so natrully my mom made me kick her out in the cold street and i watched her get hit by a car and spaltter everywhere...(I dont know about you but watching your dog that you spended a great time of your life with, get hit by a car and splatter everywhere is really **censor** up) this is where the dream changes.

Part 2 Of The Dream...The Church, The Fight, the wrath of god.

Ok so my dream has changed and i now find myself in a church sitting down and praying and this guy behind me is doing something to really piss me off and i end up getting in a fight with him and punch him in the face and his jaw goes flying off onto some chick and theres blood everywhere and i just start wailing on him over and over and over again and theres just a bunch of blood and gore and brains and stuff flying everywhere and by this time hes on his hands and knees and someone he now has a jaw (its a dream people will regrow parts) and then for no reason i kick the poor guy in the face and his head explodes and just whole place was blood and stuff its was really wierd...

Then after i recovered from that, The fire alarm went off and everyone started panicing and scrambling around..but there was no fire. So i'm running around trying to find the fire and this guy stops me and tells me to get out of the church and i ask why and he said "Today is gods day, every 10 years god shows his power to the people to make them know he and only he is god and everyone shall obey it"

basiclly in idiot terms every 10 years gods really pissed the **censor** off and he shows his wrath, like a soda bottle thats about to blow its lid... so i'm running around the church and  looking for for people to take outside...

Why are you taking people outside you ask?

Well thats what i find out why in a minute so hold on and just keep reading....

So i'm running through the kitchen and found no one i ran through the dining room and found no one i ran out the closest door and saw a curtin move so i pulled it away and there was a really hot but really scared  girl standing behind it (she too thought it was a fire and was hiding from the flames) so i took her outside and i spot the guy again that i was talking to a little bit ago and i ask him (this is where your question comes in) "Why are we taking people outside?!?!?"

The guy says to me "On this day and this day only the churches and everything is the one place that you will never want to be, You want to be outside in the dark hiding from him"...I ask franticly "WHO IS HIM"

The guy points up in the air and says "HIM!!!!" and i look up and theres this big had to be atleast a mile high and 25 miles long and its looked like a giant ) <--Thats what it look like but it was a bight glowing white color and the guy next to me gets smited by god and explodes and by this time i'm screaming like a little red headed step child and running around in circles... So my brother cameron finds me and we start running through this field over a small bridge to this forest but we stopped at the bridge to look in the water cause we are stupid like that.. and out of nowhere i have a bee bee gun in my hands and i see a snake swimming in the water down the stream..

What you gonna do with the bee bee gun you say?

Well like any other little kid with a red rider 12 gage action pump rifle what would i do? shoot it? HELL YEAH!..

So i pump the rifle and shoot the snake and it explodes and blood and guts go everywhere...

What is with everything in your dreams exploding you ask?

Well i'm still trying to find that out myself its just a thing that seems my head likes to watch.....or i just watched to meny horror movies with people and things exploding....

so i drop the gun and we start walking away and we come up to once was a forest witch somehow has now turned into a giant multi color glass was huge and kinda cool so me and my brother climb on it and walk though the dence thing of glass forest it was really trippy.. like one of those tripps that happens when you take way to much acid and you end up frying hella bad and then you eat some pizza with about 200$ worth of shrooms on it... yeah it was pretty cool....

Part 3...ATARI MODE!!!

ok well you ask wtf is a atari well its a really really really old game system that had alot of cheap graphics and stuff it was pretty sweet for its day and age.. i grew up with it...

Well this is where the dream changes again... me and my brother are still wondering but the whole thing turns in to like this 2d pixelated pack man but cooler...

Me and my brother are dressed like the Mario brothers in french swimsuits and we are in inner tubes in this river and theres a sign that says push here to play...

So i did and we started swimming down this river....Then by this time we thought we were safe and we got out of the river shoot off dry and started walking away like one of those cheezy movies with the happy endings that say The End on them.. well this was even cheezyer... we started walking and my brother exploded... and if you have ever seen like the vary first game of super mario brothers and the explosions....yeah it was that cheezy then the camera turns to me and i'm laughing and say "Hahaha not again that cameron is always doing that" then the music to Leave It To Beaver startes playing and i just walk away skipping and then the The End comes up and thats when i wake up.....


Like i said...... my dreams are **censor** up
Cut off aA Wolves Head And He Still Have The Power To Kill You

-Princess Mononoke

Offline Goblin Cat 😸

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2007, 02:41:33 PM »
Wow. Crazy dream. O.o
Last night something grabbed my foot and shook it. x_x
I looked down, nothing was there.
I'm seriously considering the couch now.

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2007, 09:23:30 AM »
 :peek: I heard someone calling me and no one was around. This has happened on more than one occasion.
You must love yourself,  before you can love others.

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2007, 03:25:15 AM »
ah yes the strange name from no where yep its called a spirit lol or just crazy

but iv had a balloon be posessed and follow me around the house >.< creepy

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2007, 05:54:52 AM »
uej Nyx id highly consider sleeping in the same room with like a friend or something for company maney thatll help

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2007, 12:04:17 AM »
I shall explain a strange thing I saw

  My parents decieded the wanted to build their own house (not build it themselves just hire dudes). We went there one time at dawn and there was traffic so we ended up gettin there around dark. My parents went around looking at the garage and backyard, I went to the front door. I had a flashlight so found my way quickly, when I got to the door I peered in it and saw to glowing orbs. I turned off my flashlight and thet where still there. The house was fully built so I decieded to check the backyard.....nothing was there. I went back to the door and they where still there.

  Freaky Right?
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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2007, 03:51:27 AM »
Yep freaky it shoud be

Thing that happen 2 night ago:

I was in my bed when I feel something grabbing me. Then it was like many ''hands'' under my cover holding me in place for like 10min and it was still moving. You could feel the ''hand'', see the cover moving but not seeing them. Hopefully nothing more happen.

Offline Rhakshi

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2007, 04:08:07 AM »
well this happened a while ago, or maybe it was a dream, I'm pretty sure it was real though. Me and my annoying neighbor friend were walking through the woods, it was during winter so it got darker then when we had expected. My friend being the idiotic bastard that he was wondered off somehow, i'm not even sure where in the woods we were to this day but I haven't found it since. I was walking I had a flashlight thank God otherwise I probably would of gone insane /has a fear of being alone in the dark. I walked into a sort of ditch, i'm very curious by the way hence being a cat. My friend was thoroughly dissappeared at this point, in the ditch weird things are happening like some sort of feeling. Combine a midnight anxiety attack with a perpetual fear of darkness and being like 8 and that's the feeling I had. Now as weird and as even more odd as it seems my flashlight which was on full battery just shorted out. Then I just saw two eyes looking at me, I freeking ran all the way grabbing my friend who had met up with me half way down the path. I finally got to my house and was like half dead, my friend just watching me wondering what the "heck" happened, for the rest of the night I had a sort of anxious mood about me, afraid to turn any lights off. I think this is why i'm still afraid of darkness when i'm alone. Or without a flashlight, as for making it back through the woods without a light, I could see the outlines of trees and stuff just not very well. I still explore the woods though, every inch i've basically covered and haven't found that area. I think it was destroyed in the construction of the new electric lines.
don't get mad get sadistic
on "imvu" I am Rhakshi. How original                        
and heres the link for you lazy bums out there

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Re: Post Your Strange Events!
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2007, 12:20:17 PM »
I got left in a house that someone died in.
And I kept hearing footsteps, someone calling my name, and laughter.
But the voices seemed loud, but so far away.
It scared me. I ran out of the house faster than anything you've seen run.

Oh, and my 'ghostman'....
I'm not crazy.
Dad said the yesterday night my dog was in his room.... and was barking and growling at something in the hallway.
He couldn't get her to settle...
And she finally quit and went to may door, looked under the crack and growled, the ran off.
Dogs can sense unnatural disturbances, I find this scary.


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