Kitt opened his eyes, light and warmth spread across him like a blanket... *a blanket? what the heck was a blanket?* Pushing himself up on his elbows he looked around, the quiet hit him like a pillow... *ok, wierd or what? what on earth is a pillow? and whats earth to be picky..* a sky, deepest purple and silent... *well of course it was... you dont expect skies to go shouting around do you?!* and light turqouise grass rustled under his fur covered body...* strange that he was covered in fur, but then again, most of this was strange* sitting up the sound of the starched upright grass rustling permeated the thick quiet... *surely he wasnt the only one here, if he was, he hoped he wasnt* padding down the slope of the small hill where he had woken up he marveled at the softness of the grass underfoot. *well technically that was underpaw, but what the hey*
turning the corner of the slope he saw a group of tall dark objects, they where close together and moving *people!* his breath quickened, where they people, they looked like people... *then again what did a person look like?* ... his breath quickening and his heart beating out a fast rythm against his ribs he felt a strange sensation on his front paw, a wierd prickly feeling.. looking down his breath caught in his throat, a strange rubbery black material was materialising across his arm, moving like water it stretched and spread along his body... jumping up he tried to scream even as his voice was cut off by a mask that spread across his face turned the scream of terror into a muffled mumble... he clawed at the mask and suit, but there appeared to be no zips or buckles, slipping he rolled down the slope kicking and tossing clawing in abject terror at the mask...