Xandral was about to get to the barstool when the lioness caught his attention. He dropped his entire 'tough guy' act and started to move towards her, and right into a man walking with a pint in hand. They both collided and the pint fell to the ground, spilt of his contents. The man was a fox with the usual orange/white fur color scheme.
"Stupid git, you spilled my pint!" Xandral took a few seconds to realize what just happened before looking right back at the fox.
"Uh, you bumped into me, or otherwise, you would have never spilt your pint in the first place..." The fox was obviously having seconds, or maybe tenths when he drew his blade and some of the patrons moved away.
"Now lets calm down, its just a bear, and its obvious you've had enough to get five people drunk, so just pu-" Xandral cut himself off to raise his shield in time to block the blade. He then brushed it aside and whipped around for a back-kick to the fox's neck, and sending him sprawling and seemingly dead. To everyone around the two combatants, the kicked seemed intentional, but Xandral was just as shocked that he just put the fox down since his body did it entirely from muscle memory.
"Uh, is he still alive?" Xandral asked before prodding the still body with his boot...