The steady thud of wood on wood slowly drowned in the crowd as Asia Kali left his room in the sharkshack; his peg legs thudding against the stairs. Turning a corner, he entered the bar, looking to the barmaid with a "Mornin' Beatrice. Some grog to start with, I got a lot to do today. Saw cannonfire in the distance and me mouse and I cant sleep our way that far out." He sat upon the bar stool with a wooden *clack*.
"Sure thin' Mr. Kali, whatever you say," The grog arrived with a Beatrice smile.
"Anything?" Asia replied. There was a pause as Beatrice began annoyed yet grew amused with every passing second.
"No Asia, not anything," she said with an affectionate look, before heading off to deal with other customers. Asia turned on his seat, finding the usual rabble, brawling and shouting. A dead bloke was on the floor... not that he'd be anywhere else save a graveyard. The dead were not common, but far from scarce, and Asia had seen more than enough for him to be completely unphased. What did surprise him was the increasing group of bizarrely dressed sea farers, circling a lioness donned in silk. Slipping off the stool, Asia got stood on his pegs and hobbled towards the group.
"Excuse me, but ye wouldn't be the ones attackin' ships today, would ya? Just thta I would much appreciate directions to where ya did yer shooting."