Xandral leaped at his stepmother, his arms spining to maximize the range and damage of his first attack. She responded by lashing out at his left foot and yanking down, not only throwing him quite off balance, but also giving nasty cuts along the ankle, shin, and heel. He then cut the whip with his blade and landed on his knees, the pain of his ankle making it hard to even be on his knees, let alone stand. His Step-Mother walks over and pulls out a dirk, having it at his neck.
"How about you just give up so I can fin-" She was cut off as Xandral tried to strike at her with his shield, showing he was still willing to fight. She snarled before kicking him on the right side of his head. He fell down, only to shakily get back up. He tried to get back up, but she kicked his non-injured foot out from under him and he fell down limply.
"You lost when I took out your ankle... why are you still fighting?" Xandral didn't answer, he just tried to get up again. This time he was successful because his Step-mother backed up, trying to steel herself to strike again. Xandral ignored the pain as he tried to charge her again, but this time being careful not to leave as many openings...