I had a good day today after going to Bestbuy and getting a printer *the HP Photosmart C4795 to be exact* for college since I needed 300 pages printed post-haste for ONE teacher's study guides and syllabus in History of Art I. Unfortunately *and as predictable as always* my sister who was driving me around to get this one errand done STILL found a way to make me late to class even upon giving her 7 hours of time before my next class started to get this small mission completed. But I digress, I was about 5 minutes late to class *even though I literally ran across the campus to get there* but thank goodness my professor didn't lock his door, he's pretty laid back
. I also got this really cool webcam, an HP Elite Autofocus where it has this face tracking feature to keep track of my face when I move around on camera, it's really useful for MSN, AIM, and Skype while the little filter effects it has are fun too
The total damages on my wallet of the day after buying food from Burger King afterwards was about $250 x.x, but all's well that ends well