Timmy only did the coloring, guys. I think that was what he wanted feedback on (though I could be wrong). He can't really help or change the way the line art was made for him.
Yeah, exactly, I only did the coloring.
Thanks for the feedback everyone.
Post Merge: September 13, 2011, 09:52:43 AM
Lately I've also started doing some 'simple' abstract art.
This is everything between random 'doodles' to waste time and quite decent background images.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 to make these and so far I got only 2 images I got to show which I didn't put too very much effort into. I'll upload more when I get home since most of my stuff is stored there and not on this laptop I got from school.
Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome.
And for the actual images:
This was done on the bus the other day, mostly just messing around with some simple features and text effects. The background was done in like 4 minutes. Simple but nice.
And this I did just now, the entire thing took me about 10-20 minutes.