I was feeling this way earlier today! Whenever I get bored I get tired.. and when I am bored it is usually because I am lonely and have nowhere to be and am just sitting around the house. Some ways I deal with it (if my friends are busy):
1) Music. Always gives me something to do if I can hear some great music.
2) Plushies. Plushies are great medicine for feeling down or lonely. Some simple hugs and cuddling go a long way to making me feel better.
3) Take a trip. If I can afford it that is. I will just get in my car and drive somewhere (nearest towns are each about 40 minutes away, just pick a direction and go!) and go walk around some stores and stuff. Getting out and about and being around people makes me feel great - even if I don't know them I have fun talking to random people and striking up conversations, and even just seeing and hearing others around makes me feel less alone at the time.
4) Fursuit. Being alone is a bad idea for going out in public (always have a spotter!) but fursuiting around your house or yard is pretty darn safe, and lots of fun! I do this a lot. Practice pantomiming, dancing, or just let loose and be ridiculous - even funnier if you get it on camera, and that will give you something else to do...
5)... which is make a video, song, draw, make something, etc. I like to keep myself busy with fursuit, plushie, art, or video projects. Having something to work on a clear goal keeps my head on straight (no pun intended).
6) You are already here! on the internetzz1x! ok.. so the internet may be a lonely place sometimes too, but it can be interesting and maybe take your mind off stuff if you find a good video to watch, gallery to look at, story to read, or another forum to get involved in (something that lead me here actually). I like reading Wikipedia for hours too.
So.. those are some ways I deal with it. I'm sure I left stuff out but you get the idea. Stay occupied and loneliness has a more difficult time setting in!