Some people who are animal lovers go to the extremes of going vegetarian or even vegan which is the greater extreme of not eating animals or animal products such as meat and dairy.
I'm just wondering since we're all furry afficionados here, how anyone else feels about vegetarians and vegans.
Personally, I feel bad about the way they treat cows. Sure it could be worse, but I don't really like the idea that they impregnate the cow, just so it can produce milk, only to take away the calf soon after it's born. And then if it's a boy calf, or if in the case that a calf is born sterile (like for example...when twin cows are born, which isn't very often...if it's a boy and a girl cow born together..chances are those cows are both going to be born sterile) they're basically sold for beef or veal.
Of course it would seem the cows don't really care anyway, and some of them are very stupid and stubborn.
I also don't care much for pigs myself.
But if anyone told me to eat a cat I'd have to kill them. Cats are sacred to me.
It'd be like going to India and telling everyone to eat cows. :p Although nothing in my religion says anything about eating cats, I wouldn't want to eat a cat because I love them so much, I see them more as a companion animal.
Here's my beef with it. :p (haha, cute pun eh?) If it's bred for food, eat it. If it's bred for a companion (dog or cat) don't eat it.
Although I am curious about eating horse meat.
I feel bad about eating cows though, and if I didn't like meat so much I'd consider going vegan. But I like milk and I like beef. xx
But, I've decided I'm not going to eat veal. I'm sorry but it's just cruel to eat a calf that hasn't had a chance to live yet.
I don't think it's right to eat young animals personally. Although I'll also eat eggs..but technically the eggs that a chicken lays havn't been fertilized anyway...
And milk's not actually killing the cow...
The scriptures also say you can eat animals and in the Old Testament before Christ died to pay the full atonement for our sins, animals were used as sacrifices symbolic to the ultimate sacrifice that would be made.
So I dunno. I love animals, but I don't go to the vegetarian and/or vegan extreme. I played with the idea of going on an organic diet though (which would prolly mean I'd have to kick the soda habit but :p ) buuuut...
I dunno. I like meat. I feel bad for the animal. But then again I also believe the animal goes to a better place.
What're your thoughts on this?