Wraith grinned maniacally as Ryn charged him. "PpPERrfFECttT!!" With a stomp of his foot the roof of the building collapsed inward; bringing Ryn, the fire creature, and himself with it. Wraith would end up relatively unharmed, each of his individual pieces being too small to be crushed in such rubble.
Wraith! Stop it! You're going to kill her!
tTtHAttsS PprEECcisSSleyY tThe ppOInt, FFfriiEnd Y. WWEe ccAn'tT HaAvVEe uuUsS ggEttttiiNNgg ffFEeeLIIngsS ffoR aANooThhhEr oOORgGGAnnIic, NnoW ccAN WwE???