Hello out there fellow furs! I'm Aceline, Ace for short.
I'm fourteen years old and it's extremely nice to see that I'm not the only "kid" around here. It's always a good thing to have people around your own age to relate to!
My first encounters with the furry fandom were two years ago, when I was twelve. In all honesty, I had no idea what a furry was, all I knew at the time was that they looked really cool and made me feel accepted. After a while though, I began to drift farther and farther away from furries, but I'm gradually bringing myself back into the fandom, which you will find that I do a lot with a lot of things.

So, basically that's all I really feel like sharing at the moment... sorry if my introduction was too long and wasted too much of your time, I tend to ramble... Heh.